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Welcome, Champions!

The Order of Blood and Ruin

What's New?

They used to be enemies. Now they’re partners.

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Court of Midnight and Deception Series Sale
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Court of Midnight and Deception Series Sale

The Court of Midnight and Deception complete ebook boxset is currently discounted to just $0.99 (and as low as I can go everywhere else)!...

Call me Kitty

Hello there! My pen name is K. M. Shea, but my readers—I prefer to call them Champions—call me Kitty.

I love to write funny, clean stories with strong characters. Books like that are among my favorite to read so naturally I love writing stories like that as well. My philosophy is that life is tough, so books should be something that makes you relax and laugh!

Meet Kitty

My alter ego

I mentioned I love video games, right? 

Naturally I needed to have a pen name to write LitPRG. 

Meet my alter ego, A.M. Sohma, lover of games, books and lobsters. 

Can I contact you on social media?

I can no longer reply to direct messages on social media due to the volume I was receiving.

Can I get a signed copy?

We do not offer signed paperbacks. Thanks for asking though!

Can I send you a message directly?

You can send a message to my assistant Meg via the Send a Message page. However, she won't give out spoiler info or confirm/deny your theories!

Can I find out spoilers for future books?

Just to warn you, we don’t give out spoiler info for future books. You are instead invited to join the fan communities on Discord or Facebook to discuss your theories!

Will more of your books be available as audiobooks?

Yes, the list of audiobooks is still expanding! Check the Coming Soon page for estimated timelines for upcoming audio projects.

Will your books be available in paperback?

Yes, all of my new books will be made into paperbacks about 3-6 months after the ebook version releases.

Why don't you show all your future release dates?

I only give estimated release timelines for the books I am writing. Because I am currently on hiatus I don't have any release timelines to share at this time.

What books are you writing next?

I'm currently on hiatus and I'm not writing new books at this time, but the Coming Soon page will always have the most up to date information on my next book project.


Read an important announcement from Kitty regarding hiatus.

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