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Lookin’ Good

I added two new pages to the site on Monday: Freebies and Coming Soon. Coming Soon is the place to go if you’re wondering what I’m working on and what I plan to write in the next six months. Freebies–which I will stock soon–has my free chapters and extra content posted for your reading pleasure. Right now the only ones that are up there are the extra chapter for Life Reader and the extra short story for B&B.

With The Wild Swans off to my editor, I’m taking the chance to start Cinderella. It’s going quite well, Cinderella is turning out to be quite the plucky heroine. (I’m very fond of plucky heroines.) My soundtrack for Cinderella is ironically music from the Disney movie Brave. I say ironically because Cinderella is French based, and Brave is Scottish. Still, I love me some bagpipes!

That’s all the news I have to share today. I’m a little disappointed because it doesn’t look like much, especially considering the large amounts of time I’ve been pouring into these projects. At any rate, I’ll have a non-self-centered post to share with you all on Friday. Until then, Champions!

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