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December 04, 2021 at 08:58 PM UTC

Please take your time to get better, Kitty. Surgery is A LOT, and it takes time to recover. Let your body recover at its own pace – we can wait ❤


December 03, 2021 at 08:25 PM UTC

Surgery takes time to recover from. Best wishes on a fast recovery.

Grande Lucille

December 03, 2021 at 07:13 AM UTC

Does anyone know when kitty might release a paperback version of trial of magic?

Meagan C.

December 03, 2021 at 07:23 PM UTC

In the newsletter she sent yesterday, she said she was hoping to be able to release it next week!

Grande Lucille

December 04, 2021 at 08:56 PM UTC



December 03, 2021 at 02:12 AM UTC

I’m so excited! Thank you for getting this out before Christmas! Get better soon and remember to FULLY let yourself recover. No pushing yourself, especially during the Christmas season!

Angela Hayes

December 02, 2021 at 08:47 PM UTC

Thank you, I can’t wait!


December 02, 2021 at 09:06 AM UTC

Have a Very Merry Christmas!!! And get better soon. I can’t have my favorite author being sick!


December 02, 2021 at 12:27 AM UTC

Thank you so much, Kitty, your posts always brighten up my day! Get well quickly. <3


December 01, 2021 at 10:35 PM UTC

Thank soooo much!!!
Thinking of US when you are healing from surgery and need pampering yourself. You are the best🥰.
Take care and an early Merry Christmas 💕🎄💕

Angela Hayes

December 01, 2021 at 09:38 PM UTC

When is the 4 book of Elves of Lessa coming out? No rush, just wondering.
Get well soon, Kitty!


December 02, 2021 at 03:57 AM UTC

Her site says “Elves of Lessa Book 4: Accidental Enchantment – Summer/Fall 2023”

Merry Christmas: Gift #1

December, my favorite month of the entire year, is finally here! I’m so excited!

For the newer Champions that have joined more recently, I am a holiday nut. Valentines, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, I love holidays! My most favorite of all, however, is Christmas! Usually I make it a huge deal for the community and set a lot of my books as free, but due to some health issues this year (you can read about them here–but don’t worry, all-in-all I’m okay) I’ve had to scale back my plans.

But I can’t let this month slip away without some sort of celebration, so let’s start the month off with my first gift: A Second Age of Retha Coloring Page!

Click here for a downloadable PDF that you can print off!

This coloring page was drawn by hend_draw, so a huge thanks to him–he really nailed Trash Panda’s innocent look while he stands with money he very obviously stole, hahaha!

Also, I posted the 2021 Character Interview in the freebie section of the website. I gave out the interview to the Champions who answered this year’s reader survey, so if you haven’t had a chance to see the interview, now you can!

Finally, I have some exciting book news to share! The first book in my new urban fantasy trilogy, Pack of Dawn and Destiny will release this month! The book is titled Hunted, and it’s about Pip and Greyson–you briefly met them in Leila’s series. Currently I’m hoping for a December 17th release date, but there’s no preorder up yet. (We’re still preparing for it!)

I have some other plans for this month but I’m dragging a little more than I expected from my first surgery, so I don’t want to give any dates until I know for certain how I’m doing. But thanks for reading, I hope you have a wonderous day!

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