The King's Shadow released last week in audio and it is now available for you to buy on Audible!
Once again the narrators for this series were Katie Koster and Paul Woodson and both of them did a great job. I hope you enjoy this lovely contribution to the Gate of Myth and Power series!
Other Audiobook news:
Reminder that the Book 3 audiobook is available to pre-order and will have a release date of March 14th so only a short wait before you can hear this final book in the trilogy. Click here to pre-order it now!
If you want to know ASAP when a new audiobook is out you can also join my newsletter and signup for the audiobook bonus notifications. My team sends a bonus email to that group as soon as Audible notifies us a new audiobook is live for purchase.
The audio team will be working on the Elves of Lessa series next and we are hoping to have the first one out by the end of the year!