Hello Champions! I have noticed a lot of confusion regarding how the Magic on Main Street series fits with the rest of the Magiford series. Which makes sense! There are now five series in the Magiford Supernatural City timeline, and I went back in time with the Magic on Main Street books so the confusion in understandable. To make things easier here is a graphic showing the timeline, and I'm going to add some extra notes to this blog post as well:
The four series in the middle of the graphic (including the series for Shiloh which isn't written yet and won't be coming for a while) are all related to each other because they all deal with the search the Paragon has been doing and the reason he is hanging out in the Midwest. (Read Gate of Myth and Power series for more details about his search, I'm trying to avoid dropping spoiler bombs here, hahaha.) The other books, including Pack of Dawn and Destiny, Magic on Main Street, and the unnamed series I am writing next are obviously part of the same Magiford world but they aren't related to the Paragon's search which is also the reason why he does not have a major role in these books. You can think of them as spin offs! While I am talking about the Paragon: NO the Paragon is NOT the ML for Shiloh's series or my next series. I haven't decided yet if I will write a series for him - if I do it will be several years in the future before it happens. As you can see in this graphic we went back in time with the Magic on Main Street series and these books directly overlap with the timeline of the Pack of Dawn and Destiny series. And yes, the next series is also going "back in time" because it will take place before the events of the Gate of Myth and Power series. This next series is also related to Jade + Considine's story, and that's all you get to hear for now because anything more is spoiler territory for Jade's final book!