It’s official. Farewell to the MBRC? is out! It’s a few hours early, but I’m glad. There was a part of the story I really slaved over for the past two days, so I’m relieved it’s finished and bundled up for you, Champions!
I already sent the book out to the three Name Game grand prize winners–Erin, Celia, and Tricia–but honorable mentions please check the back of the book for my repeated thanks for your brilliant names.
As you can tell by the top post, I’m running another Book It special. If you Read and review Farewell to the MBRC? and send me an email, I will send you an extra chapter. The special doesn’t start until Monday, but feel free to submit before then, I just won’t be able to respond until Monday.
I think that covers everything. I’m anxious to find out what you think of Farewell to the MBRC? so please leave a comment or drop me a message with your thoughts when you finish it. Thanks for reading, Champions. Enjoy the story!