Hello champions! I want to open up today’s post with a reminder that if there’s anything you’d like me to specifically talk about—whether it’s something about my books, writing, or just life in general— don’t be afraid to shout it out in the comments! Sometimes it’s hard to come up with content for my blog, mostly because I don’t know if you’re getting sick of a particular topic, or if there’s something else you’d rather discuss.
I say that because the past few weeks I’ve been at a loss as to what I should discuss in my posts. I know I should write about Snow Queen, however, that series is so full of spoilers for the future of the Timeless Fairy Tale series, that I’m a little leery of mentioning it. You Champions are too intelligent!
I am grateful and humbled, though, by the amazing support you guys gave Sacrifice. The Snow Queen books have been my best sellers to date, and I’m thrilled by the overwhelmingly positive response to with them. In fact, right now Amazon.uk and Amazon.au are running specials on Heart of Ice as part of a month-long deal. Heart of Ice’s price has been significantly slashed on those two stores, so if you use Amazon.uk or Amazon.au please check it out!
Finally, I’m going to wrap up this post by adding that Princess Ahira is going to be for free on April 15 to celebrate the due date of American taxes. ( Myrrhlynn pointed out to me it would’ve been a lot more appropriate if Cinderella and the Colonel was the selected celebration book due to Cinderella’s struggle against taxes. Unfortunately, I had already set up the special, or I would’ve changed it!)
That is it for today, Champions! Again, if you’ve anything you wish to discuss, please shout it out in the comments or send me a message. Thank you for being awesome, and thank you for reading!