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2024 Projects At-a-Glance

AUDIO The Gate of Myth and Power

AUDIO Magic on Main Street

Magic on Main Street

PAPERBACK Magic on Main Street

AUDIO King Arthur and Her Knights Boxset

PAPERBACK Gate of Myth and Power Trilogy

Planned Releases for 2024
  • The Gate of Myth and Power series is currently in recording/proofing. There have been production delays due to the narrator and I don’t have a release timeline I can share since the delays are out of my control. I’m very sorry to everyone who has been waiting so patiently for these audiobooks.


    There will be audiobooks for the Magic on Main Street trilogy and narrators have been selected but we can’t share potential release timelines until it the project is farther along. Things are moving along well though!


    All my unfinished series are on hold for audiobooks but my audio team will eventually work through the rest of my older series.

I am currently on hiatus and no new ebooks will be coming until my hiatus ends. New audiobooks will continue to be released until my finished series are released in audio. This page will be kept up-to-date.

Completed 2024 Projects
The Order of Blood and Ruin
The Games of Enemies and Allies

Status of All Series

Princess Ahira (STANDALONE)

Second Age of Retha (SOHMA)

Elves of Lessa

Fairy Tale Enchantress

Robyn Hood

King Arthur and Her Knights

My Life at the M.B.R.C.

Snow Queen

Gate of Myth and Power

Pack of Dawn and Destiny

Court of Midnight and Destiny

Hall of Blood and Mercy

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