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Hello fellow writer!

Whether you’re a newbie writer, a successful author or anything in between, I’m glad you’re on this adventure with us. It’s a tough thing to go at alone–particularly when you’re starting!

My Collections of Resources

While I would love to talk business with you and chat about your book but my rapid book publishing schedule doesn’t allow me the availability. But I’d still like to do what I can to help!

Blog Posts on Writing


Science Fiction and Fantasy Marketing

When to Hire a Personal Assistant


Science Fiction and Fantasy Marketing

Writing Fairy Tales


M. L. Moos Blog
2018 Interview

Meet K. M. Shea

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Question: The guide is useful, but could you read my book and tell me what you think, or possibly review it?

Answer: I wish I could, but sadly I can’t. I have too many time constraints working against me. But if you’re looking for some publicity opportunities check out the Goodreads lists (see below) my readers and I add to and, if your book fits the list requirements, feel free to add them!

Nov 17, 2021
REPOST: NaNoWriMo Encouragement

Hey Champions, this is one of the posts I mentioned when I explained my upcoming surgeries/procedures that I wrote a year or two ago, but...

Nov 11, 2021
Author Guides!

Hello, Champions! For all of you taking part in NaNoWriMo, here’s my annual reminder that I have an Author Resource Guide, which lists...

May 21, 2021
My Angelique Writing Process

Hello, Champions! I’m still working my way through Angelique’s fourth book (Trial of Magic) and I can safely say that it is going to be...

Nov 30, 2020
The End of NaNoWriMo

I’m interrupting all of the Court of Midnight and Deception shenanigan’s to observe the final day of NaNoWriMo. This year was so fun! I...

Nov 1, 2020

It’s November, which means NaNoWriMo–or National Novel Writing Month–has begun! National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting...

Sep 9, 2020
I Want You To Write

Another suggestion/question Rock Star Assistant Meg and I commonly receive are specific writing requests. Sometimes a reader might have...

Aug 26, 2020
SheaCon Panel Audio

Surprise! Before I begin my new blog series, I wanted to slide this post in and announce that due to the extraordinary efforts of the...

Nov 22, 2019
Writing Weaknesses: Romance

So you’ve got a kick-butt plot with lots of action, humor, friendship…but romance? Ehh… I consider romance one of the hardest aspects of...

Nov 2, 2019
2019 NaNoWriMo

Greetings, Champions! It’s that time of the year again, NaNoWriMo! (Or National Novel Writing Month, but that’s kind of a mouthful.) For...

Nov 2, 2018
Writing Tips and NaNoWriMo

Greetings, Champions! I know many of you are working on your own books or aspire to write your own story! Have you participated in...

Jun 8, 2017
FAQ: Rewriting Characters

I hope that all of you—both you newcomers and old loyalists—know just how important you Champions are to me! I can write because of your...

Apr 25, 2016
Writers, don’t be discouraged!

Today I’m going to talk about something that would normally cause me to shiver in horror and run away: I’m going to discuss the first...

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