Behind the Scenes
My Rock Star Assistant Meg reviews all the emails I receive from the website. Note that Meg doesn’t give out spoiler info for future books nor can she tell you any release dates for future books before they are officially announced. Meg also does some behind the scenes tasks like formatting all the ebooks and paperbacks, and uploading fanart to the website!
MyrrhLynn works behind the scenes on everything! She helps me with the technical stuff like the website, newsletter, and social media. If you are having issues receiving my author newsletter you can reply to the last email you successfully received and MyrrhLynn will help you. Her favorite series: Second Age of Retha
Meet the Team
Hello, Kitty here (author K.M. Shea/A.M. Sohma)!
I could never keep everything in our community running all by myself–there’s too much to do! Thankfully, I have the fantastic, irreplaceable Shea Team to help me!
My book publishing schedule, website, and reader discussion areas are all made possible thanks to this fantastic team, so I’d like to take a minute and introduce them to you.

Discord Community
Vin is a social being of fire and sass. She can be found watching over Kitty's Discord server with her fellow Mod Squad. Activities that she enjoys include cackling with Kitty over server pranks, reminding Champions to keep channels on topic, and obsessively checking the pets channel for pictures. When she is not being Vin, she magically transforms into a socially awkward introvert that loves to read and spend time with Mr. Vin and her Vinlings. Her favorite series is: Princess Ahira
SuperRog is a Discord Moderator with a penchant for zombies, and he also does a lot with our Lord of the Rings online kinship! His favorite series is: Second Age of Retha
Bat is a discord moderator you can find discussing all of Kitty’s characters, themes, and fan theories, whether they’re plausible or outlandish. When not moderating she enjoys her work in HR and spending time with her husband and young children. Her favorite Shea series is Hall of Blood and Mercy!
Smasher is Discord Moderator who is a Marvel fan with an excellent sense of humor and is also part of the audiobook team. She got her nickname from wishing she could be a bodyguard like Krusher from MBRC, but her favorite series is King Arthur and Her Knights.
Cimorrene can be found almost any time of day (or night) on the Discord server's book channels, and she enjoys watching the infectious enthusiasm that follows each and every book release. If she isn't online, she is often curled up in a chair reading something fantastical, or working on exciting side quests-- like helping bring the K.M. Shea audiobooks to life! Her favorite series: "King Arthur and Her Knights" was one of the first K.M. Shea titles Cimorrene ever read, and it is still her reigning favorite (don't tell Magiford, though).
Facebook Community
Megen surreptitiously places her hand on random swords she comes across in hopes to be transported back to the court of King Arthur. (This may or may not be slightly treasonous as her family comes from the counties of Donegal and Galway in Ireland.) Dreams of knights and quests aside, she teaches English as an excuse to promote the love of reading, and she is an aficionado of coffee, baking competitions, dogs, the ocean, and fantasy. Favorite Series: King Arthur and Her Knights and Court of Midnight and Deception.
Jocelyn has created ways to read while doing all sorts of jobs, because why spend time folding laundry in this boring world when you can escape to a more interesting one AND get your towels put away? When she's not doing laundry, she's caring for her family (who help produce the mountains of laundry...) and undertaking all sorts of side-quests in life. One of her favorite side quests is as a mod for the Champion Facebook group! Favorite Series: Timeless Fairy Tales.
Coming Soon!
Cindy is the chief Sheacon planner and uses her awe-inspiring skills of organization and leadership to map out Sheacon. She is responsible for scheduling the authors/panelists who speak during the convention and leads all the other amazing volunteers to the finish line to bring you and other Champions this fun event!
The Sheacon planners are an amazing team that works hard every year to dream up new games and put together our annual reader convention held for a weekend in summer on Discord. Without them, Sheacon wouldn’t happen, so a huge thank you to everyone!
RayJay is the super talented and awesomely creative artist who does the majority of our original graphics. She created the images you see at the end of the “Which Supernatural Are You?” and the “What Fae Court Do You Belong to?” quizzes, and more!
And that’s the team!
My life–and our community–would not be the same without them!
So let’s give it up for the Shea Team!
However, the true VIPs are all of you fabulous readers, thank you for being here and making our community so enjoyable and supporting our team!
We couldn't do it without you!