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January 23, 2018 at 12:59 AM UTC

Oh, and Pookie made me think of the Pooka from MBRC.


January 23, 2018 at 04:49 AM UTC

YES! Me too!


January 23, 2018 at 05:25 AM UTC

So, perhaps that should be the real comparison of characters. Morgan and Devin are so similar to Quinn and Emerys.


January 23, 2018 at 06:56 AM UTC

Well, now I need to go read the MBRC books again (such torture for me…) so I can better see that comparison. 😉


January 23, 2018 at 12:58 AM UTC

So…. Hooded Evil Lady has to be someone we have seen before. I do want to guess. And part of me thinks it’s someone from this book. But I am probably was at off.


January 23, 2018 at 12:27 AM UTC

So, a question… I have Kindle Unlimited and that’s how I stumbled upon your books. I just wondered how that works in terms of your profits? Do you get paid a certain amount when people check out your books with Kindle Unlimited?

I’ve purchased a few of your books (the King Arthur series) to keep, but otherwise I tend to just check them out with Unlimited when I want to re-read. I just want to make sure I’m still supporting you and not taking money out of your pocket that way!


January 23, 2018 at 12:53 AM UTC

Yes!!! Same question. And profits also when she’s giving out freebies. How does that work?!?!

Thank you for posting what I have been pondering


January 22, 2018 at 07:42 PM UTC

Thank you for the short story, and the summary of the French version of the story. I think my favorite picture book is a variation on that, in which the gardener and the youngest princess are kind and sweet.
*cough* BTW, you have 117 reviews….


January 22, 2018 at 09:28 AM UTC

Read the book Friday, it was so sweet! I loved Quinn and Emrys, they reminded me of Britt and Merlin (Make no mistake that is a positive, I miss those two so much!) But still had there own character traits. I’m also so thrilled to see the story coming together. I find it so hard to imagine Evariste as young, up until Sleeping Beauty I had him pegged as a Gandalf type and I still haven’t really shook that. I’m so curious to learn more about the chosen, this series is really genius.

And I LOL’ed at the Barbie version in the last post, I’ll pass on rewatching the movies, but will gladly belt out any of the tunes. XD


January 22, 2018 at 04:43 PM UTC

Haha, you know what’s ironic? Another name for Merlin was Emrys!
That aside, I loved how you combined the two versions of the story together! It’s already my new favourite, and I can’t wait to see more of Angelique, Quinn and Evariste! I hope she finds him soon. They really deserve a happily ever after.
Quinn is also one of my favourite heroines in this series, since she’s the one who actually offered to help Angelique instead of the other way round. It was really nice to get a glimpse of how much stress Angelique has been under for the past /5 years/!
I do have a question about her magic though (which was totally awesome, by the way).
When her appearance changed, was that a result of a block she might have placed over her magic or was is a result of her wanting to seem less frightening or something?
Also, is the Chosen actually part of the Veneno Conclave.
Thanks for yet another wonderful book!


February 07, 2018 at 08:23 PM UTC

I /knew/ Emerys sounded familiar!!! And yes, he reminded me of Merlin too – in the best way possible! So sassy and vulnerable at the same time!
And Pookie kept making me think of Devin- I think this is one of my favorite Timeless Fairytales so far!


January 22, 2018 at 07:33 AM UTC

*mild spoilers* Hi! I started reading your books a few months ago (have read most them twice by now), and eventually found my way here. I just finished reading Twelve Dancing Princesses today. I wanted to say that I enjoy your analyses of original fairytales because I usually agree with them! I have spent some time thinking about the problems in this one too. Those old fairytales were full of psychopaths, and in this case, the princesses were the psychopaths. I can’t help being a little disappointed that you didn’t make them all evil (since I would enjoyed reading that), but for the story’s sake, I think you definitely made the right decision in making two or three of them be really selfish and shallow, and letting the others be caught up against their will. I also laughed at your four sets of twins, since the age problem had occurred to me. How do you get 12 sisters who are young enough to be unmarried, and yet old enough to participate?

And thank you for not making Roy into a bad guy. I really hate it when stories do that–taking someone the protagonist has loved and trusted and known really well for a long time, and making him or her turn out to be a really terrible person. Not only is it unpleasant, but it’s just not really realistic to think that she could have fought and worked and spent so much time with him, under so many pressured situations, for so many years, and not really known what his true character was. So I was glad to know that he was, if a bit foolish at times, a good guy, and she wasn’t a complete idiot for having loved him. It makes the happy ending all the happier.


January 22, 2018 at 04:55 AM UTC

by the way I loved the book


January 22, 2018 at 04:54 AM UTC

So to the comment you made about not knowing why the father of the princesses is a duke here is what I think. I think the father could be called a duke and the daughters’ princesses, because people can have more than one royal title; a prince can be a duke and have daughters that would be princesses; for instance Prince William is also the Duke of Cambridge and his daughter is princess Charlotte.


January 22, 2018 at 02:34 AM UTC

I always love you bring together the original versions and tie it into something unique, humorous and with more meaningful, logical characters. 😀
Can’t WAIT for Angelique’s story… and her mentor… and I hope we’re not wrong to expect such high things of him…


January 22, 2018 at 12:32 AM UTC


So huge problem: I havn’t been able to read the book yet. And I know I shouldn’t have read this post, but now I need to read it EVEN more!



January 21, 2018 at 05:54 PM UTC

D’awwww, thank you for that adorable short that gives us more of Emerys and Quinn AND hints at what’s to come for Angelique’s story~! <3<3<3


January 21, 2018 at 06:19 PM UTC

*headdesk* And then, of course, I send my comment without thinking, Oh, I should probably acknowledge the existence of the rest of this post, too. xD;;

I really like what you’ve done with this source material, Kitty! Creating two characters to recreate both versions of the protagonist – dealing in two different ways with the people who tried to uncover the princesses’ mystery – setting the elves up as another victim instead of the antagonists – and most importantly your take on the elf king – I enjoyed it so much! (cough, I still don’t like Roy, cough) But I do enjoy how you used him; I can at least say that. XD

12 Dancing Princesses: The French Version

12 Dancing Princesses

A big thank you to all the wonderful and amazing champions who left reviews for Twelve Dancing Princesses! The short, Of Noble Heart, is now available! (Click here for the PDF File. I hope you like it!) I really hope you enjoy the short story. (But ohmygoodness I can’t wait for you to read the next one, it’s my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE!!) Now let’s jump in to today’s topic.

Welcome back for the second round of the Twelve Dancing Princesses origins! It’s a bit unusual that I delve into two different versions of the story, but, as you will see by the end of the post, in my retelling I actually stitched these two versions together…and I’m too big of a geek to let that slide without pointing out how I did it. 😉 So here we go!

In the French version, not only do the princesses have very little to recommend them besides beauty, but the hero–a boy who works under the palace gardener–is an absolute beast. The hero was originally a peasant boy who left his village because he thought the girls there were ugly. I’m not making this up! He decides he wants to marry a princess because they are said to be prettier, and since he’s handsome he has decided he is far above the likes of the girls in his village. (So…I guess he’s Gaston if Belle wasn’t around?)

Our shallow hero dreams of an enchantress who tells him to go to the castle and there he can marry a beautiful princess. So our hero-who-deserves-a-smack-upside-the-head sets out and snags the career of gardener’s boy. (Personally I think pig keeper would suit him better…)

As it just so happens the duke (don’t ask why their father is a duke and they are princesses, there is no explanation given for that gem.) who owns the castle has 12 beautiful daughters who–despite being triple locked in their room–wear out their shoes every night and commonly sleep until the afternoon. The duke offers a reward to anyone who can find out what they are doing–because of course the girls lie and insist they are sleeping. Strangely, whenever someone is locked in the princesses’ chambers to investigate their activities, the following morning when the doors are unlocked they are nowhere to be found. (The duke, apparently, is not as crazy as the king from the German tale as he offers no time limit and, more importantly, no death threat if you can’t uncover the mystery. Not like it matters, though, as in this version no one is seen again after their first try.)

One of our stuck-up gardener’s boy’s tasks is to give the princesses a bouquet every morning–which is how he falls in love with the youngest princess who is naturally also the prettiest. The enchantress returns to our dolt-of-a-hero in his dreams and gives him gardening advice on how to grow two laurels which will then bud flowers that will make him invisible.

The gardener’s boy does this, and when his laurels are fully grown he sneaks into the princesses’ rooms while wearing the flower of invisibility and hides under their beds. The sisters search the rooms, but eventually get dressed in their prettiest gowns and go through a trap door.

This gorgeous illustration of the princesses coming down their hidden staircase is the work of Henry J Ford, who lived from 1860-1941.

As in the German version, our shallow hero is following so closely behind them he steps on the gown of the youngest princess. Similarly, they walk through the tree groves of the silver, gold, and diamond tress, and come to a lake where the twelve boats and princes are waiting for them.

Just as the soldier did, the gardener’s boy hops on the boat of the youngest princess–who also lectures her prince for rowing so slowly.

At the other side of the lake is a splendid castle that has lots of food, drink, and other luxuries. The princes (who number at least 50 and were actually all the men who tried to uncover the princesses’ secret) dance the night away with the princesses because the girls had previously given them a philtre that froze their hearts and filled them with the desire to dance. (Which I suppose makes these girls slightly better than the princesses in the German version. Now they are only kidnappers instead of murderers.)

As a side note, I couldn’t make heads or tails of the castle. There are servants, and yes they have the princes, but no one explains who owns the castle or why it exists. A couple of variants credit the fairies, but that’s usually as far as it goes. Moving on!

The princesses dance the night away and then hurry home shortly before dawn. On the way back the gardener’s boy snaps off a twig of the silver trees and then puts it in the bouquet meant for the youngest princess later that morning. The events repeat–though this time the shallow hero snags a gold twig and places it in the youngest princesses’ bouquet–and when he follows them a third time he snatches up a diamond twig. The youngest princess by now knows he has been following them, and even though the gardener’s boy promises not to tell anyone–including her father–she  tattles to her older sisters who make fun of her for the gardener boy’s obvious infatuation with her.

The eldest sister states they should throw him in prison and have him killed, which upsets the youngest. (I have no idea what she thought would happen, I mean really, they are already confirmed kidnappers!) Frightened, the youngest princess threatens to tell their father if they harm the gardener’s boy, so they decide to take him with them to the castle instead. Throughout the night the youngest princess insults the gardener’s boy, who responds calmly that she need not fear that she will become a gardener’s wife. After a night of dancing and food, the princesses try to feed him the philtre that will freeze his heart and force him to join the other princes they have captured/kidnapped.

The gardener’s boy knows what the drink is, but is willing to drink it because he loves the youngest daughter even though she’s been nothing but an absolute jerk to him. Surprisingly, the youngest princess tells him not to drink it and that she would rather be a gardener’s wife after all. The gardener’s boy flings the philtre aside, which breaks the curse over the princes. (Because reasons??) The remaining eleven princesses each choose a prince to marry, then flee back home in the boats just before the castle crumbles. (Because nothing makes for good romance like marrying your captor and fleeing your crumbling prison together!)

The gardener’s boy and the youngest princess explain to the duke everything that happened, then they are married and the gardener’s boy is made a prince. (But not before the princess burns down his magical laurels. Because it wasn’t enough she nearly got him cursed for all eternity, nooooo!)

So by now you probably see exactly how I combined the stories. Quinn is the wiser/less shallow soldier from the German version, and Roy–her Band Gallant companion–is the gardener’s boy who is a bit obsessed with princesses. In the next post we’ll go into more detail, and I’ll discuss why I did what I did/how it fits into the Timeless Fairy Tales series. In the meantime, enjoy the short! (I hope you like this glimpse of Evariste!)

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