Hi Champions, would you like a special sneak peek at Chapter 1 of Snow White?
Last year I did my first ever reader survey and as a thank you for completing the survey I gave a sneak peek of Frog Prince Chapter 1. It was so successful I decided to do it again this year, only the bonus this time is the first chapter of Snow White! (You’ll also get an exclusive look at the cover!)
The survey asks you some basic information about your book reading and buying habits. The information helps me plan my future book releases, figure out what you guys want in everything from books to giveaways, and determine how to find more readers like you! I tried to keep the survey as short as possible so it shouldn’t take you long to complete.
Keep in mind, since I’m still in the writing process, this chapter of Snow White is unedited so there are definitely mistakes in it that I will be correcting before the final version goes out.
The survey will close on October 19th so make sure you fill it out before then!
I really appreciate your feedback so thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. I’m also selfishly excited to see what the answers are to the last question (other authors you like) as I’m always looking for more good books to read! 🙂

I’ve learned the fall is the perfect time to hold the survey, so it gives me time to go over your input and use it when I start planning next year’s releases and activities! (Hahaha, it only took me about four years of it, but I’m finally starting to get a handle on this author thing. ;D )
I hope you guys enjoy Snow White! Her story is shaping up to be the longest Timeless Fairy Tale, but given that her book kicks straight into Angelique’s story–which will end this arc of fairy tales–I can’t say I’m too surprised. I hope you guys enjoy it when Snow White releases in December!
But as I said earlier, thanks for taking the survey! Enjoy the sample chapter, and have a lovely week.