January 11, 2019 at 12:31 AM UTC
Yay, the voting begins!!
I would love if Steffan didn’t get almost last place again though. X) Gabi and Steffan are so awesome. I know he messes up sometimes, but Steffan’s just such a great character. He’s hilariously, entertainingly distinctive but human, flawed but still someone you can stand behind. His interactions with his family are just hilarious, and his character arc and growth over time has been, dare I say, brilliant, and almost beautiful to see. It’s my favorite! I love the dazzling, usually poll popular guys as much as the next girl, and I voted for for them! But, you know. Not all amazing guy characters have to be so… swoony, haha. I feel like Severin’s underrated too, but the fact that Steffan has been pretty much bottom two since this poll was born makes me incredibly sad. Like, dang, that’s rough. 🙁 It’s always hard to pick because I love so many of them, but I feel like Steffan deserves so much better. So please, I appeal to thee: if thou hath any love for the Kronprince of Arcainia, if you could spare him a vote for his honor I would appreciate it. 😉
January 11, 2019 at 12:49 AM UTC
You’ve just made it too difficult to choose! I do really like Steffen as a character, but you have so-o-o many others, that you have to narrow my coffees down to only five? Ach! 😄
January 11, 2019 at 01:04 AM UTC
I know right?? Too many good choices. But yes, go for Steffan! He needs our help. XD
January 11, 2019 at 12:38 AM UTC
Ah, and by voted I mean I voted for some of the popular guys, not all. I did vote for Severin and Steffan, haha. Hence my appeal.
January 11, 2019 at 01:02 AM UTC
Lol, sorry Faith, I didn’t pay attention to who was commenting, so please just ignore my earlier response to you.
January 11, 2019 at 01:12 AM UTC
Lol! I was so confused by this until I realized what you meant. No, I’m not K.M. Shea. 🙂