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October 17, 2022 at 01:42 AM UTC

That was my all time favorite short by you kitty, so thank you so much!!!
I also noticed Greyson’s device changing, and I started laughing so hard. And also I FEEL for elite bellus. I mean he’s stuck with hazel, Lillian, AND Leila! He needs a spa day or something


October 10, 2022 at 11:06 AM UTC

Great short story. Am I still hoping for one of Killian and Hazel’s wedding,? YES But seriously this was great! I’m really proud of myself for noticing the change in Greyson’s devices and knowing the reason why before Leila and Pip brought it up.

Book Addict

October 07, 2022 at 02:52 AM UTC

I read the short story in front of my friends and laughed so hard that I cried while my friends were wondering if I had just had a seizure!! Thank You for brightining up my days!! 😀


October 02, 2022 at 11:09 AM UTC

Really fun Short story! And honestly it seems a little weird to see Rigel getting along so well with Pip. It seems that Leila has finally worn him down and gotten him to make som new friends other than Dion.


October 01, 2022 at 08:03 AM UTC

Must…comment…Photo Op story…

(Sudden explosion of laughter) NEVER have I laughed so hard at one of your short stories, Kitty! And that’s really saying something! Thank you so much – this was everything I’ve been hoping for with all the Magiford relationships you’ve been weaving together. Brilliant!


September 30, 2022 at 11:42 PM UTC

That short made me laugh SO HARD!! 😂 I read each response two or three times because they were just so funny and just so PERFECT for each character! Thank you for this; it was a good laugh after kind of a tough day.


September 30, 2022 at 09:35 PM UTC

LOVED the bonus story!! It was as awesome as always! Thank you, Kitty!

Patti G

September 30, 2022 at 08:42 PM UTC

THANK YOU sooooo MUCH for the great survey reward!
I had to STIFLE myself while reading it so I wouldn’t wake up the house last night.
You might be fuzzy brained right now sweetie…. but you still are an awesome, gifted writer🥰


September 30, 2022 at 08:26 PM UTC

Best reward for taking a survey ever!!!! Absolutely hilarious!

Shannon Ellefson

September 30, 2022 at 07:45 PM UTC

Oh,dear lord, I haven’t laughed so hard in weeks! That was utterly delightful!!! Thank you so much!!!

2022 Reader Survey

I’m excited to announce the return of my annual Reader Survey! Woohoo!

2022 Reader Survey

Nearly every year the team and I conduct a reader survey. We try to keep it short–each year it’s approximately 10 questions long so it only takes a few minutes to fill out–but the results are absolutely vital to me and the team! While Myrrhlynn, Meg, and I put our heads together to design the survey, the results teach us a lot about you Champions and the community at large, like: what book genres you’re interested in, where should we focus on growing our community, and more!

Meg and Myrrhlynn go over the results extensively before using graphs to explain to me what we’ve learned, and then we use that info to plan out the rest of the year, and–more importantly–the following year!

This year, as my thank you for filling out the survey, I have a Magiford themed short story bonus link at the end! A link to it will pop up AFTER you complete the survey, so don’t exit out of the window until you click that link. (And if you want to read it more than once, I’d suggest saving it to your phone or computer. I’ll put it up on the website eventually, but it probably won’t be until December!) I hope it makes you laugh! Now, what you’ve been waiting for–CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY!

Once again, I can’t thank you Champions enough for filling out the survey. It helps me so much and it’s the best opportunity we have for you to give us feedback. Thanks for taking the survey, thank you for reading, and enjoy the short!

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