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January 07, 2021 at 12:37 AM UTC

Absolutely loved it! Thank you for the tidbit. Looks like I will be reading these books again.

Stephen Thursby

January 06, 2021 at 04:06 AM UTC

Thank you for this short story, does make me miss Retha. When I finished the Night Court series will re read I think. Keep up the good work, would like to see the 3 books rather than 2.


January 05, 2021 at 08:27 PM UTC

Thank you!!

Gail Zuniga

January 05, 2021 at 07:21 PM UTC

Thank you! I love Retha and cant wait for the last two books to come out. Noir I think is one of my favorite characters.


January 02, 2021 at 12:01 PM UTC

Thank you! I loved getting more Noir! I live him so much! I agree that I’m thinking about re reading Retha for the 3rd time. I love the hero right out of an Asian drama. I think it’s my favorite series of all times followed closely by of course all your other series. I could try listing them but it would just be all of them and how am I supposed to pick an order?! I can’t imagine how it is for you, having so many “babies” and having to logically decide who gets attention when. I’m glad you have some amazing support in your family and friends/ staff. Thank you for all the sacrifice in feeding my addiction. I will continue to devour everything you write and recommending your books to everyone I meet.


December 29, 2020 at 05:01 AM UTC

Thank you for the short, Kitty. I was nice being back in Retha for just a bit. I might have to go re-read the books just so I can soak in that world for a bit. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish all a Happy New Year!


December 26, 2020 at 10:41 AM UTC

Thank you! Love this series and looking forward to the next book. Merry Christmas!


December 24, 2020 at 05:35 AM UTC

I can never get enough Noir! I absolutely loved being back in Retha – I miss it!


December 24, 2020 at 04:49 AM UTC

I really enjoyed this short story of Retha from Noir’s POV!


December 24, 2020 at 04:28 AM UTC

YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be in the Retha world again! Thank you, kitty, for this short-came at a time I really needed it🙂


December 23, 2020 at 10:36 PM UTC

Thank you for the Special Gift! so Nice!


December 23, 2020 at 09:34 PM UTC

Noir is awesome! He’s so fun to read about.


December 23, 2020 at 08:54 PM UTC

A short from Noir’s point of view – I love it! Thank you for this! It’s fun to go back into Retha for a bit.


December 23, 2020 at 08:36 PM UTC

Thank you for this amazing short! It’s wonderful to read about Noir again. He’s the best.

A Very Merry Retha Gift

Our holiday fun continues with another freebie today–this one for my longsuffering Retha fans!

I have a free short story for you Retha Champions! It’s called “Disgust to Respect” (Click here for the PDF) and it’s from Noir’s point-of-view! This was a fun one for me to write just because I’ve been the designated healer a lot, and Noir basically gives voice to the suffering of all of us support players, hahaha.

I hope you enjoy it!

We have one last gift to come (tomorrow!) but until then, Merry Christmas to all my Champions, and happy holidays!

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