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B&B Extra

I forgot to mention this on Monday, but I’ve been sending out the extra B&B short story for those who review B&B and contact me. (See the top post for details.) If you have attempted to contact me for this special offer and I have not responded in 24 hours please try again or post a comment to let me know. I try to respond quickly whenever I get an email, so if it’s been over a day and you haven’t gotten a reply it means I didn’t receive your message.

Oh, I have some good news for King Arthur and her Knights readers! I just started writing book three, Embittered, yesterday afternoon. I have been looking forward to writing this book since I started the series because in this “episode” Britt meets and spends a significant portion of time with Lancelot.

I’m cutting this post short for that very reason (Embittered) because I greatly desire to make myself a cup of tea and dive into the complexities of Britt’s… prejudices against Lancelot. I will see you on Friday, Champions. Enjoy the Christmas season!

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