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Be Proud Plz!

So I was strangely motivated to really bust my butt this weekend. (I find it best if I don’t question my bursts of productivity, but embrace them and move on.) I finished the book trailer for My Life at the MBRC, which is available on my Amazon author page. (It’s on the right side at the bottom.) I also released a second book on Amazon!

Princess Ahira is a humorous, young adult fantasy book, just like My Life at the MBRC. It’s about 120 pages, give or take a few, and it stars Princess Ahira–a tomboyish princess who is kidnapped by dragons. Ahira is taken in by a dragon named Azmaveth–a royal, bookish, and slightly cowardly dragon who fancies himself an inventor of spells and such. Ahira manages to befriend Azmaveth, and enjoys living with him. (Although she wishes he wasn’t such a pig in terms of cleanliness.) Unfortunately, Ahira isn’t visiting the dragons during a peaceful time. The valkyrie, mystical female warriors bent on dominion over magic, are marching against the dragons, and everything—from dragons to gnomes—are rallying together to fight back. What Ahira doesn’t know is that her emotions and romantic life will have a powerful impact on the looming war.

Finally just a quick reminder, I’m recording for my first Story Time tomorrow Thursday, December 13. If you have a question please submit it now! ASAP! I’ll be recording in the afternoon so you have all morning to get your questions to me, just fill out a forum in the “About Story Time” page. The Story Time session probably won’t be released until Saturday. I’ll make an announcement on here as well as twitter so you guys can check it out!

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