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Archived Comments


June 22, 2022 at 05:00 AM UTC

I just recently found you and devoured the Magiford series! I’m in revisions on my first complete novel and wondered where you start. Do you start by building a main character, or the world, or the plotline?

Inquiring minds wanna know!

Hope all goes well in your procedures and that they are easier and less painful than you thought. Hope you have a speedy recovery. 🙂


June 20, 2022 at 09:30 PM UTC

Enjoy the video! I hope your well. Thanks again for videos, looking forward to the next one.

Tania Fultz

June 20, 2022 at 08:14 PM UTC

Okay I’m lost…. Or maybe just antsy… or confused might be a better term… Did I miss something that was April’s update…. You’re just recovering again…. I hope because today is June 20th.

Jen L.

June 16, 2022 at 03:51 PM UTC

What sites/apps are you posting them on?
Do you have a preferred one for us to watch the videos on.


June 16, 2022 at 03:13 AM UTC

I really do hope that you continue these for a long time. They are the highlight of my day!


Hello, Champions! Last month’s video was a smashing success–it is so much faster for me to do these videos, so I’m going to try experimenting with recording one once a month! This month’s discussion topic is the trope, Found Family! I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for watching! (PS: Youtube and Facebook always have THE BEST icons for my videos, buwahah!)

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