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Book Release

Good news! I’ve set the release date for book one of the King Arthur and Her Knights series. It will be online by Wednesday, August 7, and it will be available for free from Thursday August 8 to Monday August 12.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m still wrestling with titles for book 1, but I will have one set and ready to go by Friday, which is also when I’ll have contest announcements. Right now I’m scrambling to finish the last two scenes of King Arthur, but I think it will be finished by this Sunday. There’s a lot to do even though the book is almost written. Editing alone is a huge project, but I also need to whittle out a summary, Myrrhlynn will be producing  cover art pretty soon, and I would like my merry editor Sunshine to get a look at it before it pops up in Amazon as well. (And, as I mentioned, I still have to name it.)

Short post for today, but my brain cells are few and I need to treasure them at this point. Thanks for reading Champions!

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