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C&C is FINALLY ready!

Rejoice, Champions! One of my much delayed projects has been finished! Cinderella and the Colonel has been officially released in paperback–see below for pictorial proof!


Sadly the book itself won’t be ready for to order for about three to four days. It takes Amazon a little while to get everything lined up and merged. In the meantime I am hard at work prepping Endeavor for publication, and working on a new fairy tale manuscript.

In a big topic hop, so far I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from readers about The Lost Files of the MBRC–which I’ve openly admitted is a bit of an experiment as it is a short story anthology that helps wrap up some of the details of Morgan’s life. Does the general consensus agree with me? It seems like everyone enjoyed the extra details, but I won’t know for sure without feedback.

It’s a short post today, but I’m on a bit of a time squeeze right now–Perfect Dog and I have dog obedience classes tonight so we’ve got to run. Take care, Champions! I’ll put up another post this weekend, so we’ll chat again soon.

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