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CC update & Book Meme

CHAMPIONS’ CHOICE has been open for three days now. The voting results currently are…

  1. My Life at the MBRC: 13 votes

  2. Life Reader: 5 votes

  3. Red Rope of Fate: 4 votes

Voting ends April 3, so be sure to cast your vote before then!

For the record, I want to assure you all that all three books will (eventually) get sequels, but not until next year. The book that wins this contest will get its sequel written this summer–a significantly sooner time.

Finally, I read this cute little book/sharing thing on Facebook, so I decided to post it on here. If you like post your results in the comment section, I’m always interested to hear what other people are reading!

  1. The last book I finished reading: Midnight in Austenland–loved it!

  2. The last book I did NOT finish: Honestly I don’t remember. Probably a reference book–I just research the parts I need to know, I don’t typically read them from cover to cover.

  3. The last book(s) I bought: Library Wars–it’s a Japanese graphic novel, but I love libraries and this series does a fantastic job of making a futuristic story that has love, action, books, and libraries!

  4. The last book I shared with someone: Wee Free Men: the MacFeegles make this book impossible to keep to one’s self.

  5. The last  book I raved about: Midnight in Austenland–because who wouldn’t like a book where the premise is taking an Austen styled vacation??

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