Let’s learn more about everyone’s favorite ferryman driver/butler! Important: character profile posts do contain spoilers! If you haven’t read King’s Captive or King’s Shadow, I suggest you wait to read all Gate of Myth and Power character profiles until you finish!
Loosely inspired by Charon, the ferryman of Hades in Greek Mythology who carried souls across the river Styx into the underworld. Since the Greek myth’s Charon’s appearance varies greatly, I focused more on Charon’s elven characteristics, although I did give him the traditional cloak/hood that a lot of artists today (and in the past century) typically draw on Greek myth Charon. (Our Charon also serves as the official Group Driver as another nod to his mythic counterpart. I thought I was soooo funny when I came up with that.)
Reserved, quiet, and loyal, Charon is quite strong for an elf, and is scary strong for an elf that isn’t a member of a royal line. (Good thing Chloe never realized that, or she would have been even more reluctant to practice!) Charon is so powerful because he, like Noctus, has excellent control over his emotions, and thinks things through first instead of impulsively lashing out as elven society had a tendency to do. (I mean, there’s a reason why fae learned to be so capricious.)
Unfortunately, that strength also means it’s pretty hard for him to make friends, so his only true friends are Aristide, Ker, Noctus, and–now–Chloe.
Despite his crusty exterior, Charon does have deep feelings and will act out of kindness–as Chloe experienced frequently as Ama when Charon was desperate to keep the cat happy in a bid to keep Noctus happy. You can see a similar spark at the end of King’s Shadow when Charon desperately wants to assure Noctus that Chloe is alright, but he’s so dedicated he won’t say anything unless asked.
I had a lot of fun with Charon, as he views his service to Noctus in a very different light than how Celestia of Hall of Blood and Mercy serves Killian Drake, or Skye serves Queen Leila in Court of Midnight and Deception.
So what do you think of Charon now that you know more about him? When you first read about the elves in the Magiford books were you picturing a character like Charon and the rest of the elves in the city?