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Christmas Gift

Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas, Champions!

First of all, remember your original Christmas gift: Today, December 31, and January 1, Enthroned will be available for free! But that’s old news! Today I’m delivering your second gift: The Unicorn Procession–PDF File. This is an original short story–which means it’s unrelated to any of my books. It is meant to be silly and entertaining. It clocks in at about four pages long and is vaguely fairy tale themed. I hope you enjoy it!

Next week we’ll host another Rumpel themed post, and after that it will be time to start gearing up for Embark‘s release. Speaking of which, my beta reader finished reading Embark on Christmas. She said she was excited to see that there were a few “turning points” between Britt and several other characters.

And with that terrible teaser, I’m going to make my exit. Farewell, Champions! I hope you had an enjoy Christmas–and to those who celebrate it, Happy Boxing Day!

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