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Cinderella & Fanart!

Greetings, Champions! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’m here today to share some fun news: Cinderella and the Colonel is getting an update!

Ta da! The new cover~~

In addition to the beautiful, fantastic new cover, Cinderella & the Colonel received an edit! The majority of the changes were all stylistic/grammar/punctuation fixes, so in general the biggest change should be that the story will read more smoothly but you won’t be able to exactly pinpoint why. However, there is one tiny new slice of a scene that lets you see dear Fred’s perspective earlier in the book.

The new cover isn’t showing up on C&C‘s Amazon page, but when I checked the sample it’s the cover that’s on there, so if you get the edited version it should come with the new cover.

If you want the cleaned-up version, you’ll need to contact Amazon! Although I’m the author I have no control over pushing the updates onto Kindle devices, so go to Amazon Help  –specifically digital services–and request the newer version. (Historically, other Champions have mentioned the fastest method is to contact help via phone or instant messenger. Email takes longer.)

The timing is not the greatest as we are smack dab in the middle of Sleeping Beauty frenzy, but since I’ve been working on this edit for several months, and Myrrhlynn made the new cover way back in summer, I decided to give into my impulse and release it now!

Up next, we have some truly beautiful fanart, done by our very own Britta Vana!

Ray-Ray Wishmore, by Britta Vana

Her fantastic picture is of Raven Wishmore from Life Reader! She did a fabulous job–particularly with the differences in Raven/Ray-Ray’s hair! For those of you who are curious, Britta said she used FireAlpaca to make it. Thanks, Britta, for using your beautiful talent! 😀

Alright, that’s it for today, Champions. Good luck getting the newest version of Cinderella!

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