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Editing x 2Books = “Fun”

No, I didn’t fall off a cliff during the holiday season, I’ve merely been editing my brains out.

First of all, I’ve got a YA fantasy story I’m submitting to the Amazon  Breakthrough Novel Award. It’s the same story I submitted last year, The Page Turner, but I basically re-wrote it. Only about a dozen scenes from the original book survived because I took out a few characters and added a few more. I thought I had until about January 26th-ish to edit this puppy, since that’s usually about when the contest opens. However, Amazon is playing hard to get this year and has an earlier deadline. I still have to edit that book at least one more time in ten days. Horrah.

But, readers, that is good news for you! Since The Page Turner must be packaged up that quickly, that means I’ll be able to take a stab at editing my next Amazon eBook, Robyn Hood: A Girl’s Tale, much sooner than I originally thought! I should have that book up on Amazon before Valentines Day! Robyn Hood is finished, there’s just some pacing issues that need to be fixed, and it needs at least one general edit before I will consider it fit for you guys.

That’s all my news. After I finish this editing nightmare I should have more interesting/normal posts for you guys. Thanks for reading!

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