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Enchanted: Post Production

So I “finished” writing Enchanted last Thursday after a day long marathon writing spree. Enchanted itself is a long way from being published though. It gets a week off so my brain doesn’t implode, and then I start the first round of editing. The ending will need some reworking, but I finally have all the finer parts of formatting down so I won’t be spending buckets of time on that besides getting the cover pages ready. Myrrhlynn has an idea for the cover, but she still needs to find the right reference photos and font, etc.

I’m really happy with Enchanted, and I have to say it was probably the easiest book to write so far in my career as an indie author, even though I did a lot of research to complete it. I’m a little shocked to realize I’m going to miss writing it! It has some great scenes and I really fell in love with the characters.

In other news I’m currently editing My Life at the MBRC. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but I have caught a few formatting mistakes which I must apologize for. I should finish editing it by the end of this week, which will be perfect because I’ll swap over to editing Enchanted next. After I do the first read through of Enchanted I’ll put it aside again for a few days/a week and then do a spit-shine editing read through to clean up any rough edges. After that it will be ready for publishing!

That’s it for today, Champions. I’ll have an interesting post to give you on Wednesday, but for now please celebrate with me over the end of Enchanted!

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