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March 05, 2017 at 07:07 PM UTC

I love reading and writing Arthurian stories, and some of my favorites are Mists of Avalon and the Warlord Chronicles. But they are both very serious (and very sad), and sometimes it’s nice to read a happier version. I find Brit’s story to be very entertaining and made me laugh more times than I can count! (omg, Pellinore, really? LOL) I have all the books on my Kindle, and I’ve reread them twice (what better way to cheer up on a rainy day?). I’m very interested to see how everything is going to wrap up by the end, particularly with Mordred (I’m fascinated by the fact that I still don’t know his origin in this story, or what his goals are. I find myself wanting to believe he’s good but then my brain says, no! You know better!), Lancelot (whom I still can’t figure out 100%), and Merlin (because I’ve fallen for his cute romance with Brit). Anyway, good luck with your edits! I look forward to reading the finished product.


March 09, 2017 at 10:56 PM UTC

I also like Mists of Avalon, but I am a huge fan of Gerald Morris’ Arthur books–he wrote The Squire’s Tale, and a bunch of others–because he stayed true to the legends, but still made the stories funny and end happily! (That’s the one downside to Arthur stories, too many of them turn into tragedies.) Keeping that in mind, I am really glad that you enjoy the series and it has made you laugh! (And yes, I have had SOOOO much fun with Pellinore, buwahah!)

I hope you find Endings satisfactory, and a fun wrap up to the series!


February 27, 2017 at 04:36 PM UTC

Princess Ahira was the first book I read of K.M Shea’s as well and I have to say it is one of my absolute favourites and also the reason I started reading all of her other books! (I giggled almost all of the way through the entire book!) (I also feel your pain at the moment in terms of going through the massive workload of high school! argh it sucks).


March 02, 2017 at 12:54 AM UTC

I have to say, I did not know Princess Ahira was so well loved! (Azmaveth placed surprisingly high on the Hero Poll, so that was a fun realization!) She really was a bit of a precursor to the Timeless Fairy Tales–but I do like that she and Azmaveth are more on the silly side. 😉


February 28, 2017 at 02:04 AM UTC

YESSS!!! King Arthurs! The sample got me excited all over again! I’m sooo ready!


March 02, 2017 at 12:55 AM UTC

That’s great! I’ll probably release one more sample before it is released–since it’s nearly triple the length, showing a few pages isn’t quite as spoiler-ish as it would be for a normal King Arthurs book. 😀

Es Irene

February 23, 2017 at 09:52 AM UTC

I’m so excited!! The King Arthur series is my favorite 😁

Bianca Pierre-Jacques

February 23, 2017 at 02:55 AM UTC

Yessssss!!!!!!!!!! A light in the darkness. Thank you, K.M. Shea! I dearly enjoy your books. When I emerge from the ocean of homework and projects of high school, I read your work. You transport me into my mental sanctuary as I recover. The first book I read was Princess Ahira, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Are you going to make a sequel? fingers crossed. Anyways, thank you for making my day.


March 02, 2017 at 12:50 AM UTC

Awww, I’m so honored my stories can be that kind of sanctuary! 🙂 Special books do that for me, too, so I seriously understand where you’re coming from.

(And no, sadly no plans for a Princess Ahira sequel at the moment. I need to take a bit of a fairy tale break this summer, or I’m going to start coughing up pixie dust!)


February 27, 2017 at 09:39 AM UTC

That was actually the first book I read as well, and it got me hooked on her writing. I swear I have read all of her book at least twice.


March 02, 2017 at 12:51 AM UTC

Bravo! I tend to scowl at Princess Ahira a bit as she’s not as well edited as some of my other stories, but as her story was the first one I wrote that was actually any good, I do have a secret soft spot for her. 😉

Endings Update!

I have a video update for you all today, which will give you a status report of Endings–the final King Arthurs Book!

If you haven’t voted in the hero poll yet, you can do so HERE!

Thanks for watching, Champions, and have a lovely week!

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