Enlightened is now available to purchase and read! A few of you have already read it (Bravo!) but it will take a day or two for it to become apparent with how well it is received.
In reminder I am running a Read and Review special for King Arthurs (see top post for details) but the timing is a little different. Since I will be away from my computer from 6/12 through 6/15, I’m not officially starting the special until Tuesday, 6/16. However! If you email me your review today (Of ANY King Arthurs book) there is a fairly good chance I’ll be able to email you the two page extra. Also, don’t feel like you have to wait for the special to start to email me. You won’t be disqualified, it’s merely that I won’t be able to respond until 6/16.
Finally, the Rafflecopter raffle is over! I found the raffle widget a little vexing as there were several problems, but thank you for staying with me as I experimented with it. Hopefully the next one will go smoother. Anyway, the randomly selected winners are: Meaghan, Catie L., Karra I., Marie N., and Kathy B! The winners have been notified via emails, and can expect their ebook copies as soon as I receive a confirmation that they got my message.
Thank you to everyone who entered, and I hope you enjoy Enlightened!