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Enthroned Contests

Just as I did for Life Reader I’m running two promotional contests for Enthroned.

First up is my standard review/chapter contest, Talk Shop. To enter Talk Shop just leave a review of Enthroned on Amazon when it’s available, email me with a copy of your review in the body of your email via the contact me form, and I will email you a bonus chapter. Enthroned‘s bonus material is really more of a short story. It’s titled On the Observations of Sir Kay, and it gives you the opportunity to become more intimately acquainted with the internal musing’s of Britt’s men. As usual, everyone who enters wins, and please leave an honest review! The contest deadline will be September 16.

Contest number two is called Sword from the Stone. Sword from the Stone is all about telling people about Enthroned. The rules are pretty simple: Before the contest deadline of August 19, email me a list of all the ways you spread the news/shared information about Enthroned. The top two contestants who most widely spread the news/share win. The prize for this contest has yet to be determined, but I will announce it sometime next week. Here are a few ideas of places you can mention Enthroned at: Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Shelfari, Google+, verbally (Yes, if you TELL a friend I’m counting that!), Amazon, blog about it, Youtube, review it, etc.

Thanks for the support, Champions! I appreciate you so much.

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