So this next Wednesday I’ll be doing a Puss in Boots wrap up post. I wanted to do it today, but as my thoughts are still fueled by cold meds, I decided to push it off. Instead, I’m releasing a Timeless Fairy Tales Timeline! WARNING: The timeline is filled with spoilers for all the fairy tales that are already released. If you aren’t all caught up, I suggest waiting to view it.
So the awesome–and confusing–part about the Timeless Fairy Tales, is that they’re all taking place over several years in the same continent. This naturally helps you to see the big-continent-wide picture, but it also makes the events a little difficult to figure out. So I’ve created this handy-dandy timeline for reference. I didn’t want to use a specific year timeline (I have a horrible time keeping our world history in line, it would be even worse trying to make up my own year system) so “year zero” is when trouble begins stirring on the continent. Click HERE to see the PDF. (Note: the timeline will also be available on the Timeless Fairy Tales page.)
I’ll update the timeline with each book release, so be sure to check back after new stories. Okay, that’s about all the brain cells I can rustle up for today. Thanks for reading, Champions!