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October 02, 2014 at 08:32 AM UTC

Love the cover! So glad I’m working early shift instead night shift on Friday – I know what I’ll be doing Friday night 😉 Looking forward to meeting the new characters.

Morgan Meyer

October 01, 2014 at 06:19 AM UTC

Well Madeline is obviously the one in Pink. In your excerpt you named the Sphinx Sacmis I think. Finally the guys in the business suit. At first I thought Aysel, but he wears LOTRs robes. So maybe a Cyclops again????


October 01, 2014 at 04:24 AM UTC

Jennie and Kelly hit the jackpot, way to go! Jennie is correct, the blonde gal is Madeline and the guy is Asahi. Kelly, I have to praise your observations, the sphinx is Sacmis. Bravo to both of you!
Sadly I was a little too shaky with my release date this time around so I wasn’t able to get a preorder page up, BUT usually Amazon goes over my manuscripts so quickly that there’s a very good chance Farewell to the MBRC? will be available Thursday afternoon/evening. I’ll be sure to post on here when it’s out.


September 30, 2014 at 08:09 PM UTC

Hi Kitty, can we preorder the book?

Kelly Adams

September 30, 2014 at 11:40 AM UTC

You may not have named the sphinx in My Life at the MBRC but you did name her in your sneak peak of Farewell to the MBRC? ,Sacmis the sphinx.


September 30, 2014 at 05:36 AM UTC

Excited for this Friday!!


September 29, 2014 at 11:48 PM UTC

I believe that´s Asahi and Madeline… and of course the sphinx

Farewell to the MBRC Cover Reveal

Myrrhlynn finished the cover for Farewell to the MBRC? (Note the question mark!) I owe her a big, fabulous thanks because it turned out fantastic! I think my favorite part is the lute. The scene that involves the lute was the most fun to write, so I was thrilled when she mentioned she was going to add it in the cover. Anyway! There are two characters on the cover who make their debut in Farewell to the MBRC?, Harrison–the goblin on the left–and Grogrintork–the dwarf wielding the huge axe. That leaves three characters for you to guess, although to be fair, the sphinx wasn’t named in My Life at the MBRC. 


Champions, hang in there! Farewell to the MBRC comes out this Friday! (Hopefully it will be uploaded Thursday evening!) Thank you for reading, and good luck guessing the characters!

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