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July 03, 2017 at 09:13 PM UTC

That was sooooo hard. Now I feel kinda bad because a few I almost chose are way at the bottom of the rankings 😭 This is one of my fav series,this was brutal for me. Now I need to reread them again so the characters can console me.


July 03, 2017 at 04:30 AM UTC

So difficult!! Kadri’s cool, Kraken’s cool, I like Hunter and Harrison, and Doggy and the Bear Brothers! So many!

And Madeline and Fran are kinda adorable


July 03, 2017 at 04:52 PM UTC

Yeah, there are a lot of fun characters in this series! (That’s pretty much the only reason why the first book skates through without much of a plot, ahahahah.)


July 01, 2017 at 11:59 PM UTC

I didn’t remember Hunter and Madeleine. An excellent excuse to go and read it again! I didn’t find this one quite as hard as the most recent heroine poll…but I’m guessing it will be worse for me when it comes to some of the other polls. Fun!


July 03, 2017 at 04:56 PM UTC

Yes, I thought this one would be easier since it’s the cast of one series–that’s why I chose to start with this one to ease everyone into it. (There’s one round where it is The Snow Queen verses Red Rope of Fate secondary characters. That one will probably be a bloodbath.)


July 07, 2017 at 05:38 PM UTC

No! Why must you make my decision making so hard?! Those are two of my favorite books/series. 🙂


July 01, 2017 at 02:43 AM UTC

Man that was HARD!


July 03, 2017 at 04:58 PM UTC

I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse from here… 😉

Favorite Secondary Character Poll: ROUND I

Greetings, Champions! Today marks the start of the “Favorite Secondary Character Poll” Face off! I decided to go with the suggested idea of having heats, with the winners moving on to the final round. Though some Champions had some brilliant ideas for organizing the poll, I decided to keep things simple and just do it based on book (or in some cases, book vs book). It seems like it was a good decision as–in spite of keeping things simple–I nearly forgot Life Reader existed and left it out in my original planning stage. Woops! Cold-brain strikes again!

There will be seven heats total, with a final round to pick out the characters who get the much coveted title of “Favorite Secondary Characters!” For each heat, you will have one week to vote. Votes will always close on Thursdays, and the new heat will begin on Friday–which is also when I will announce the winners of the previous week. (I go over this a bit below, but, rules! It’s good to cover them!) This is a bit of a Summer Battle Royal, but I’m hoping it will be fun for everyone. 🙂

Here is a comforting image of an elegant beverage and books to distract you from the idea that you’re about to mercilessly cut down some of your favorite characters.

And now, what you’ve all been waiting for! It’s time for the First Round of the “Favorite Secondary Character Poll!” Today’s line is: The Magic Beings’ Rehabilitation Center!” As it is with my hero/heroine polls, you get to cast your ballot once, but you can vote for up to three characters. This poll will close Thursday, July 6–so you have ONE WEEK to vote!

Choose carefully! The top three characters of this poll will go on to the FINAL ROUND!

Now, may the fight begin!

*SPECIAL NOTE* Aysel is not included in this poll as he is included in the annual hero poll!<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Take Our Poll</a>

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