Greetings, Champions! The Games of Enemies and Allies is officially released! Did you read it yet? I'm bringing back the tradition of a Spoiler Post because I want to give you blog-reading Champions a place to voice your reading thoughts during this initial book launch so please talk away! Warning: If you are waiting to read this series until all the books are out, or if you haven't gotten a chance to read The Games of Enemies and Allies yet, then I'd suggest waiting before you check out the rest of the post or read the comments, or you'll spoil the story for yourself!
As usual, I've will be writing short story as my "thank you" for the launch of this new book and for it reaching 100 reviews--that's 100 honest reviews pooling from Goodreads and all the Amazon stores! Reviews and ratings are a big deal for authors. Honest reviews can help readers decide if a book is their thing or not, and I'm so thankful that you're willing to spend your time leaving a review--which is why I'm happy to write the shorts! And this time I got the short story finished ahead of time so based on how quickly the reviews showed up for book 1, you can expect to see the short story....very soon. (Hahaha, thank you Champions, you are the best!) But until then, let's talk spoilers!
So, Champions, most of the other Magiford books end book 2 with a cliff hanger but since I knew there was going to be a wait for book #3 I decided to get rid of the usual cliff hanger - did it surprise you? What has been your favorite scene in the series so far? What are you looking forward to seeing in the last book?