I'm not releasing any new books during my hiatus but that doesn't mean my books are being ignored, and today I have a long-awaited boxset to announce!
The complete Gate of Myth and Power series is now available as a single boxset! It's been added to the same Magiford Supernatural City “series” that includes the other boxsets to make it easier to find and binge!
If you’ve read this series before would you mind leaving a review on the new boxset? I realize this is probably a weird idiosyncrasy but book boxsets with almost no reviews look “fake” to me so I would really appreciate it if you helped this series look more “real”. 😅
Get the boxset: Amazon.com | All other Amazon stores
P.S. My team pushed to get this boxset released because there is going to be a big sale on the Hall of Blood and Mercy ebook boxset NEXT WEEK! Watch for the blog post next week with the super sale links!
P.P.S. Yes, I will eventually have a complete boxset for the Magic on Main Street series, but I like to wait at least 1 year after the books come out so that the readers who bought the individual books at full price when they were released don’t feel cheated by the boxset discount (yes, I know it’s not as bad as buying a new phone just before they announce a new version but I would really hate for my Champions to feel tricked like that!)
P.P.P.S. The Gate of Myth and Power series audiobooks are still slowing moving forward and I'm hoping book 1 will release before Christmas. Stay tuned!