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Genre & Title CONFIRMED

I’ve been releasing some “aesthetic” teasers on Facebook and in discord, so some of you Champions have already figured it out, but the new book is…an Urban Fantasy!

It’s called Magic Forged, and it does not take place in the same world as my Magical Beings Rehabilitation Center series, but it does have a lot of humor, magic, romance, and tons of paranormal goodness like fae, vampires, and werewolves.

However, even though it’s an Urban Fantasy, I have some good news for all you fairytale lovers out there, it’s inspired by a fairytale! (Congrats to everyone who suspected I’d have a modern-day fairy tale!) There’s a lesser known fairytale I’ve gotten a few requests to retell for my Timeless Fairy Tale series, but it’s the kind of one I couldn’t easily adapt to the world because…reasons. So I decided to pull it out and had a blast combining it with an Urban Fantasy setting and giving it a big makeover.

Who wants to make a guess what fairytale it is? Leave a comment down below to share your theories with all the other Champions!

And also, who is dying to see the cover?? I’ll be revealing it piece by piece on Facebook and Discord this weekend, and let me tell you, the cover tells you a lot–including the new series title! 😀 (Don’t worry, I’ll post the full cover here on the final day.)

Our heroine for this intrepid tale is 22-year-old Hazel, a wizard and heir to the rather magical House Medeis. With each new section of the cover I unveil, I’ll be adding a little bit about her story! By the the time the full cover is unveiled, you guys should have a pretty decent description! (Although it won’t be the final one. I’m AWFUL with descriptions, uggghhhh)

Thanks for reading, Champions! I hope you are enjoying this process–I’m having a blast!

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