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Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day, Champions! For those who aren’t from the USA, June 21 is the American celebration of Father’s Day–the companion holiday to Mother’s Day–in which father figures are honored.

I am incredibly blessed with a straight-laced but funny dad who, although he is very practical and logical, was incredibly patient and supportive of me as I worked stubbornly towards my goal of being an author. My Dad is an accountant, and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him with a fiction book, but he always accepted and supported my passion for writing stories. Although you haven’t met him, all of you have read lines and dialog pieces inspired by my Dad’s wry humor.

In honor of all the fathers out there, as well as all the grandfathers and father-figures, I’m giving you guys another short Extra from the King Arthurs series: Father’s Feast–CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF FILE. The timing of Enlighten’s recent release is perfect as Britt is one of the few heroines who has a caring father figure. (I considered doing a short about Raven from life reader, and her Black Dog/spy father, but my cover-artist, Myrrhlynn, pointed out for father’s day he would probably take all his kids to a shooting range and then put them through a hellish obstacle course. I wanted to go for a sappy story, not comedic, so King Arthurs it was!)

As I mentioned with Mother’s Day, no matter your status–grandparent, parent, child–when you boil it down, Father’s Day is about celebrating love. I hope you enjoy the day, and extra! Thanks for reading.

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