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Happy Mother’s Day 2023!

Today (May 14th) is Mother’s Day in the USA, so Happy Mother’s Day, Champions! On behalf of children everywhere: I hope you mothers have a lovely day, thank you for all you do and all the sacrifices you have made, and we love you so much! Also, huge thank you to all the women who have influenced, taught, and loved us even if we aren’t their kid(s)! Mother or mother-figure, the love and support you show others is world changing.

In the spirit of the day, I thought this was a perfect time to remind you Timeless Fairy Tale/Fairy Tale Enchantress Champions about my mother-themed short, “A Mother’s Responsibility” (Click here for the PDF!)

A Mother’s Responsibility is a companion short story to Snow White, the last book in my Timeless Fairy Tale series. It does contain spoilers for the series, so you won’t want to read it if you haven’t read Snow White yet!

Snow White’s relationship with her step mother, Faina, was the driving force behind my retelling of the fairy tale, but it always struck me as slightly unfair that I didn’t actually get to show you Champions much of their relationship due to the events of the story. This little short story was a delight to write because it let you see that just as Snow White deeply adores Faina, Faina is fiercely protective of Snow White.

But the Mother’s day fun doesn’t end there! If you’re a Magiford fan, I have a vaguely mother-themed short story for you, too!

We have “Parents’ Night,” (Click here for the PDF) which is a companion short story to the Court of Midnight and Deception series, so if you haven’t read Leila’s books you’ll want to skip this!

I’ll confess, I love this short mostly because it has some Lord Linus antics, and Linus is one of my favorite Magiford characters to write, but it was also nice to be able to tie up a few lose ends I didn’t get a chance to address in Leila’s series, specifically regarding her relationship with her very adorably midwestern and very supportive mother.

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