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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I stink at poetry, How about you?

Happy (early) Valentine’s Day, Champions! I normally celebrate this holiday by eating chocolate, sending out valentines to my friends and family, eating chocolate, giggling at the valentine posts on Facebook, and eating chocolate! Since I can’t easily send out valentines to all my Champions, my V-day gift to you all is that Red Rope of Fate is FREE on February 14. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Additionally, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’m running a short, three day contest. It starts TODAY, February 13, and will end Sunday, February 15. The rules are simple. Write a Valentine’s Day poem–it can be a haiku, short, long, rhyme, free-verse, funny, sad, or serious, ANYTHING, as long as it is rated PG or G–and submit it to me via the form below.

On Monday I will pick three winners and post their poems on my blog. Winners will be given one of my ebooks–whatever one they choose! (Winners can opt to wait for my next book, Little Selkie, to claim their prize if they so choose.) Below is my entry. (You might want to skip it…poet I am not.)

Valentine’s Day! Oh, what do you say? Will you take my heart? (At least it’s a start!) Or accept my love? (Works best with a  dove) Or instead of words, let gifts fly like birds! Perhaps I should say, the real point of this day, Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate!

Good luck, entrants! I can’t wait to receive your poems!






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