Hello Champions. As many of you are aware, Snow Queen: Heart of Ice is available to purchase and read! It is one of two books–book two will be out in mid to late February. I hope you enjoy it! I ventured pretty far from the original fairy tale, but you should be able to recognize a few characters from the original.
Thank you in advance to everyone who reviews. Reviews are a big thing for authors. It helps a lot with book visibility and gives us valuable feedback–and it is also nice for readers because it helps them decide if it is a book they would enjoy. (After all, if you look at book descriptions it can be hard to tell if they have humor or not!)
Next up, I wanted to thank whatever sweet Champion nominated The Little Selkie, Puss in Boots, Rumpelstiltskin, and Enlightened for the 2015 Swoony awards! According the Goodreads page, “the Swoony Awards are a reader’s choice award recognizing excellence in clean secular fiction.” I don’t know if I really can claim excellence, but thank you to those who nominated me! Voting is still going on, so if you have an active goodreads account please check the page out and vote! (I say active because they’ve been having problems with voting scams, so they’re only counting votes from active goodreads accounts.) I intend to give that list a thorough look-through once the voting closes; there were some awesome looking books on it!
I can’t wait to take a look at the original Snow Queen story–it’s really long–but as the book was just released I’m going to force myself to zip it, and duck out of here. Thank you for reading, Champions! I hope you have a lovely day.