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Semper Bell

July 06, 2017 at 04:09 PM UTC

I’m really sad Princess Ahira didn’t do as well!
She has an amazing sense of humour that helped to make her book one of my favourites.
I find it interesting that Gemma and Stil always do so well as my family have nearly all of your books and found the Rumplestiltskin characters some of the hardest to warm to,
Perhaps do to the fact that we are all very fast readers and the book was near the middle of the fairytales series.
My sister has never been a big reader but your books are one of the first she has ever shown an interest in, Phil the robber maiden is her favourite character and I’m sure she will be thrilled to vote for Phil in your new poll.
I am an avid lover of traditional folk tales and particularly love your re-tellings.
Thank you for writing (and for writing so incredibly fast!)


June 17, 2017 at 03:28 PM UTC

Your polls are always so much fun, so no matter how you do it, I’m sure it will be awesome! And I agree with Hanna– now I want to see a poll for favorite book! 😉
On the topic of Briar being the least favored– out of all your amazing leading ladies, she’s definitely my least favorite as well (Rakel being my favorite. I literally could have cried when I read Snow Queen for the first time because SOMEONE FINALLY GETS ME!). But that being said, I don’t think it’s necessarily Briars’ fault. She’s likeable enough on her own, once you reveal enough about her to begin to understand her motivations… But it’s the story itself, plus the supporting characters, that give the protagonist the chance to shine, and in this case Isaia was just too much of a sweet, noble, dutiful little idiot to show off his leading lady to full advantage. Plus Sleeping Beauty probably isn’t most peoples’ favorite fairy tale, either (evidenced by the fact that there are a zillion Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast remakes, and like none for SB), which is probably a contributing factor as well. So Briar really shouldn’t feel too badly. She’s still a sweetie, regardless of popular opinion, and she definitely had some awesome moments.


June 23, 2017 at 10:09 PM UTC

Yeah, molding Sleeping Beauty into a story where Briar actually did something brave was pretty tough, given that in the original the princess pretty much just…exists. As the princess is out of it for most of the original fairy tale, it also doesn’t give you a chance to see anything redeemable in her personality. (Which was the total opposite with Rakel, who is thrown head first into calamity with her book!)

The part that really bothered me, though, was that at least in the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty, the prince gets off his rear and has more than one line. In the original story he’s nothing but a creeper who happens to be in the right place at the right time. Ewww.

Kenzie R.

June 24, 2017 at 06:17 AM UTC

Personally, I love Briar. She’s manipulative, a trait I share 😊, and she doesn’t let anyone get in her way. However, like you said, due to the structure of her particular fairytale you can’t really see it as much. As for book sales, not everyone has to buy the books. I’m an avid reader in general, have been since about 4th grade, so my mom got me Kindle Unlimited. I know others do the same.

Hannah Hill

June 17, 2017 at 07:49 AM UTC

So now I’m curious – which ones are your bestsellers? Also it might be a fun poll to just stack the books themselves up against each other and see which ones come out on top. 🙂


June 23, 2017 at 10:05 PM UTC

Good question, the fairy tales and Red Rope of Fate always lead the pack, specifically Beauty and the Beast is almost always the top seller. The fairy tales then tend to get a little jumbled, but the Snow Queen books are the least popular of that batch, where as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are usually dueling for second place. To be fair, there’s not too much of a sales difference between the various fairy tales after B&B’s clear lead.


June 16, 2017 at 09:54 PM UTC

Absolutely briar hasn’t had as much time to worm her way into our hearts! i haven’t reread Briar’s story yet, and I’m sure she’ll grow on me after that. It always happens with your books!


June 23, 2017 at 10:02 PM UTC

Aww, why thank you! 😀 Personally, I think the secondary characters in her story were particularly snazzy–I LOVED writing about her Ladies in Waiting!


June 16, 2017 at 06:50 PM UTC

Hi Kitty,
I have a suggestion for how to deal with all the secondary characters in the poll. You could make it sort of a round robin thing. For example, you’d have maybe three or four polls with maybe 10 names on each of them and the top two from each could go on for some big ‘final’ where readers could choose out of the eight or so that were from the previous. It’d be efficient and fun! By the way, you’re a stellar author. I love reading your books. ☺


June 16, 2017 at 08:13 PM UTC

That is a genius idea! (It also keeps people from feeling bad that they can only vote for a handful of characters.) I just might have to implement this, thank you for mentioning it! 😀

Heroine Poll Results

Greetings, Champions!

The results for the First Annual Heroine Poll are in! There were a total of 593 participants and 1,779 votes were cast–remember you could choose up to three heroines!

Britt Arthurs took first place with 280 votes, Rakel of Snow Queen was in second with 232 votes, and Tari of Red Rope of Fate took third with 150 votes! Cinderella and Gemma (of Rumpelstiltskin) were neck-in-neck with 140 and 139 votes, and Raven (of Life Reader) was close behind them with 133 votes.

The rest of the girls are listed below with their vote tallies, but I did want to do a brief comparison of the top five heroines and the top five heroes!

The top heroes from January’s annual Hero Poll were (in order of popularity): Stil of Rumpelstiltskin, Farrin of Snow Queen, Merlin and Friedrich (of Cinderella) tied, Arion of Red Rope of fate, and Asher and Aaron of Life Reader.

In comparing the new lists you might notice that they are actually partners (Rakel goes with Farrin, Stil goes with Gemma, etc) just in a slightly re-arranged order. This was a huge surprise to me, and not what I expected at all! It does make me curious, though, if this also predicts my top five favorited books. (Which would be particularly ironic given that none of the books listed are my top sellers, but strangely all five of those books were among my favorites to write.)

But on to the rest of the girls!

  1. 7th: Dylan: 123 votes

  2. 8th: Elle: 110 votes

  3. 9th: Gabrielle: 95 votes

  4. 10th: Morgan: 92 votes

  5. 11th: Ahira: 87 votes

  6. 12th: Robyn Hood: 76 votes

  7. 13th: Odette: 41 votes

  8. 14th: Elise: 39

  9. 15th: Briar: 35

I was a little surprised Briar came in last as she seemed to be one of the more warmly received heroines, however, I do suspect her late arrival to the team might be responsible for it as many of the other girls have had more time to worm their way into your hearts. 😉

A few Champions voted for the “other” option–many of which said they couldn’t choose, one voted for Cagney, one voted for Phile the Robber maiden, one for Friedrich (Hah! He would be so smug about that if he knew.) and even one sweet reader voted for me!

Additionally, there was a resounding YES to my inquiry about the favorite secondary characters, which I am both excited about and quite worried. I have to have at least 30+ secondary characters who would have to be included in the poll, which would make the thing ridiculously huge. I might break it out a bit (All the Timeless fairy tales in one poll, and all my other books in the other) so it’s going to take me a bit to figure out how to pull it off. If you have any ideas, please leave them in the comments! I’m really quite clueless how I should attack it.

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who participated in the poll. It’s so fun that we can have this, and I’m glad I finally got the chance to let the girls take center stage.

That’s all for today, Champions! Have a lovely weekend, and I shall see you next week.

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