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HoB&M: Will There Be More?!

This brings us to the final Hall of Blood and Mercy themed post. Already I’ve begun writing my next manuscript (The Prince’s Bargain, Elves of Lessa #3 for those who are curious) but I’ve been getting a lot of questions from Champions wondering if I’ll ever return to Hazel and Killian’s world, or if I’ll ever revist these characters, so I thought I would do one last blog post.

Hall of Blood and Mercy is a trilogy, and I won’t be adding on any additional books because I feel like I’ve successfully told Hazel’s and Killian’s story. However!

I’ve fallen in love with their world, and just because I won’t add onto their trilogy doesn’t mean I don’t have any additional plans for a new trilogy! So I’m officially confirming that you can expect to see a new trilogy in this world–probably in mid to late summer 2021. The series will be about…

OOHHHHH, YES, I WENT THERE! The next trilogy will follow Leila and will focus on the Night Court and the chaos it’s been thrown into since the death of the previous Night Queen and her Consort.

The Paragon–and Aphrodite and Bagel the donkey, of course–will make an appearance in Leila’s series, and you’ll even get to see glimpses of Hazel and Killian as well!

But I won’t be writing this trilogy until after I write Fairy Tale Enchantress Book 4, Trial of Magic. And since the quick release worked so well for Hazel’s series, I plan to do the same for Leila’s series and again release all three books in under two months, which means it will be over a year before you get to follow Leila on her adventures.

Regardless, I hope you’re excited! Thanks for reading, Champions, and thank you for embracing this new story world. 😉

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