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June 18, 2018 at 08:03 AM UTC

Oohh, what a pretty picture! I love fan-art, as my artistic talents are limited. Especially where human figures are concerned. Beautiful job!
Loved the interview, too! Now I have new blogs to stalk! I mean, investigate 😉

Interviews and Fan Art

Happy weekend, Champions! I have some fun stuff to share with you in this post.

For starters, aspiring author M L Moos interviewed me via email, and last week posted the interview on her adorable website! She asked me some really good questions, so if you want to check it out, click here! (Turns out we’re, like, book buddies!)

Next, we have some new fanart!

Dylan and her Kelpie by Tori Rose

This picture of Dylan and her Kelpie is by Tori Rose, and I actually laughed out-loud when I read the caption and saw Dylan’s expression. (Such a Dylan thing!) She really nailed Dylan’s hair–and the Kelpie of course. But even the wave is really awesome! (I mean, water–to me–seems like it would be impossibly hard to draw, so hats off to you for that one, Tori!)

I’m actually quite chuffed, Besides Cami’s painting of Dylan, no one has done fanart for Dylan before, and she’s one of my favorites to write given her playful personality and her preoccupation with food. So thanks again, Tori, for the fun artwork–it has joined the place of honor with all the other amazing stuff you Champions have sent me in the Fanart gallery!

And to wrap up the post, I finished the first round of edits on the STILL-as-of-yet-unnamed-sequel-to-Red-Rope-of-Fate, so now it’s off to the jumble of editors who will help me find all the errors! I am hoping for a mid July release if all goes well. Next, though, I have to work on a secret mini-project….buwahahah! (More on that to come.)

Thanks for reading today, Champions! I appreciate your faithfulness and support. Have an amazing weekend–I hope you have time to read a good book!

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