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June 03, 2017 at 07:30 AM UTC

Yay! Sounds wonderful! — and Cinderella is definitely my favorite heroine, although I think Life Reader might be my favorite story so far.

Hannah Hill

May 31, 2017 at 09:06 PM UTC

Welcome aboard, Meg! So glad you’re officially joining Kitty’s team. My favorite of the Timeless Fairy Tales is the Snow Queen series, and that’s tied with my overall favorite of the King Arthurs series. Btw, my family had goats for a while too, so I’m not sure if I should express sympathy or not. 😉


June 01, 2017 at 02:18 AM UTC

Hi Hannah! I appreciate the sympathy on the goats. They do create a love/hate relationship IMO. 😛 I am with you on the Snow Queen books…they are probably my second favorite in the Timeless Fairy Tale series. 🙂


May 25, 2017 at 03:58 AM UTC

Welcome to the crew Meg! I have read all of KM Shea books and love them all but I think I would have to say that Life Reader is my favorite. I can’t wait for the next book to come out! I am excited to see what happens next.


June 01, 2017 at 02:15 AM UTC

Thanks Tiffany! I appreciate the warm welcome! 🙂


May 22, 2017 at 12:31 AM UTC

Welcome, Meg! I’ve been here since I read the Snow Queen books a little over a year ago, and I’m enjoying watching this team grow. I can’t wait for the next book! <3 In the meantime, I'll probably check out Life Reader and the few other Shea books I have yet to read. x)


May 23, 2017 at 01:33 AM UTC

Thank you Kaitlin! I hope you find time to enjoy all of KM Shea’s books 😉 I look forward to chatting more with you in the future! -Meg


May 20, 2017 at 08:13 PM UTC


Welcome to the team! I’m sure Kitty will make very good use of your talent. You two sound like kindred spirits, to use an Anne of Green Gables reference. 🙂 I’m so looking forward to getting to know you better. Good luck trying to keep Kitty on task. I believe it can get pretty crazy with everything trying happen at the same time. Anyway, welcome aboard. 🙂


May 23, 2017 at 01:29 AM UTC

Thank you Arletta! I appreciate your Anne of Green Gables reference! 🙂 Kindred spirits, yes!!! I look forward to getting to know you too! -Meg

Introducing: Assistant-Rock-Star Meg

Good day to you, Champions! I’ve got some fun stuff to share today! For starters, I’m part of a giveaway that highlights “excellence in indies,” which is a huuuge contest you can enter for the chance to win lots of books. It’s being held over at “Reading is My Superpower,” which is a review blog, and they were nice enough to let me write a guest post! Check it out here!

Next up, today I finally get to introduce you all to my new rock-star author assistant, Meg! To help you guys get to know her a bit, I thought I’d do the same thing I did with Britt and hold a mini interview.

Kitty: Hello Meg, welcome to the community!

Meg: Thank you Kitty!  I am happy to be here!

Kitty: Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Meg: Well sure! I was born and raised in a small town in the Midwest. Jesus has blessed me with a wonderful husband and a beautiful little farm where we raise milking goats.  I love coffee, anything chocolate, and spending time with good friends and family.  I also enjoy reading, Scottish Country Dancing, and watching movies. Lastly, my favorite Timeless Fairy Tale is Cinderella and Colonel.

Kitty: Meg will mostly be in charge of my email inbox and sorting everything out—though she’ll also be popping in on Facebook too! Besides keeping me more organized, she’ll also be answering some of the more common questions. (For example: Is the King Arthurs series really over? ((Yes.)) Will Life Reader get a sequel? ((Yes, but not for a while.))) If there’s a more personal email that’s sent to me she’ll shoot it my way so I can respond, so I’ll still be reading my messages!

Meg: Yes, I will only be handling the “easy” emails.  Kitty will still reply to you on specific matters.  But please be patient as we make the transition with the email. 

Kitty: With Meg helping me combat the slog of my inbox, it will free up my time for other aspects of the business, so I’m very excited to welcome her to the team. She’s also a long time friend of mine, which is really nice as I know my inbox and you Champions will be in good hands.

Meg:  Thank You Kitty. I appreciate that you have such faith in me and asked me to be a part of your team.

Kitty: That covers the intro! I’m confident you wonderful Champions will have fun getting to know Meg—and witness what a calming influence she is on me, ha-ha. Thanks for reading, Champions, and have a lovely day!

Meg:  I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all! Thank you for letting me join your community!

Kitty: Of course–we’re so thrilled to have you!

So with Meg acting as my assistant, Britta, who is once my intern but I now consider her my lead beta reader; Myrrhlynn on covers; And my awesome-sauce editing team backing me up, we have quite the little posse now! Which reminds me, thank you to everyone who added in their favorite fairy tale retellings on my last post–we had an amazing discussion and some really good recommendations were shared! (I’m thrilled to have bulked up my reading list for the summer, woohoo!) If you didn’t get a chance to check it out yet, here’s a link to the post.

That’s it for today, Champions! Thanks for reading, and if you like give Meg a warm welcome in the comments and check out that giveaway I mentioned at the start of the post. 😉


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