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Archived Comments


August 01, 2014 at 10:01 AM UTC

Yay!! I just finished both MRBC And Life Reader and loved them! I am so glad to hear you are working on the sequels!


August 01, 2014 at 05:44 PM UTC

I’m glad you enjoyed them! The MBRC sequel is coming along swimmingly, hopefully you will like it as much as the original!

It is started!

The sequel for My Life at the MBRC has been started! I’ve got the first five pages written, woohoo! I have a lot of the book mapped out, but picking a non-spoiler title is proving to be really difficult without making it sound too similar to My Life at the MBRC. Anyway, keep an eye on the “Coming Soon” page. I’ll update it once a week so you get an idea of how the story is progressing.

Also, judging by the comments on my previous post, the sequel to Life Reader is in much higher demand than I anticipated. I’m dedicated to getting Timeless Fairy Tales out as my top priority, but it looks like I’ll be skipping Life Reader up a few notches in terms of importance. It is important to note, however, that Life Reader‘s sequel will be a longer book, so I can  guarantee you won’t be seeing it until 2015. Still, thank you very much for the feedback, Champions!

Alright, I’m about ready to eat my own arm, so I’m off to hunt down some dinner. Until Wednesday!


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