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Let’s Celebrate a Milestone!

Hello, Champions! Writing has been a bit of a slog, lately, so I decided to take some time out to celebrate a major career milestone for me! Back in April, The Queen’s Crown became my first book on amazon to have 1,000 reviews!

Because of an amazon policy I have to post a link to the book so you guys can check it out and see that I haven’t manipulated the image, so here’s that link: The Queen’s Crown

This screen grab is from the day we crossed this milestone–Queen’s Crown has already blazed on past and keeps getting more reviews. Magic Forged (Hall of Blood and Mercy #1) will catch up pretty soon, too, as it’s in the 900s for reviews as I write this.

This is a really big milestone for me as an author, and I can’t thank you all enough for joining me in this new world and supporting me along the way. I didn’t know if I’d ever get a book with over 1,000 reviews. My closest hope was Beauty and the Beast, because it’s been out for nearly nine years and has had time to slowly pull them in. I thought if I gave it another year or two it might make it. But no, you amazing, wonderful Champions made a book that was only three months old at the time pass the 1,000 review mark. Wow!

I’m so humbled and thankful for your support and love. Honestly, Trial of Magic has been a real bugger to write, but seeing the way you all rally around me and our community makes me determined to make Trial of Magic well written and–hopefully–worth all of your patience and loyalty.

Thanks for reading, Champions. I hope you have a day filled with as much celebrating as me! 😉

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