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Let’s Dialog–or Discord!

Hello Champions, I’m beginning this lovely morning with an update on NaNoWriMo for me!

It’s going well! I was ready to strangle Evariste this morning, but I’m hopeful you guys will enjoy the story. It seems like I’m on target–I’ve got about 40,000 words done. However, this book will very likely turn out longer than the planned 80k, so I’m trying not to stress. (Don’t be too impressed by that word count, by the way. I just added the first scene from Sleeping Beauty, which was a free 5,000 words to me. Ahahah.)

But if all goes on track, when Snow White launches in mid December, you will not only have the title of this first Angelique book, but the first chapter included as a sample as well!

Next topic: there’s been a lot of great discussion going on in comments of past and current posts, and for some time you guys have asked if there is a way I could open some kind of chat/discussion area so you can more easily talk to each other–some of you were even discussing self-organizing one.

I finally have a moment to breathe, though, so I thought I would offer to make either 1) a Facebook Group (which you guys can freely post in and will also have a chat available) or 2) a Discord channel! If I make the group/discord thing I can throw up my graphics and link it back to my website, which is why I figured I would offer to make it. You guys will have free reign of the place as long as every stays civil, but as I’ve always said I have the best Champions, so I don’t believe that will be a problem.)

So if you have a preference, Champions, or another idea for a way for you to communicate more easily, leave it in the comments down below! 🙂

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