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Life Reader: Wow

Today I’m closing up shop for some of the Life Reader events!

First of all, Spread the Secret is officially over! The winners are Sara and Tiffany–they’ll be getting an email from me shortly in which they have the chance to name a Life Reader that will appear in the extra chapter, and the next Life Reader book. (I plan to start writing book two this fall, so it’s pretty safe to say it will be available by Christmas.)

Talk Shop is still running, so if you want to read the extra chapter of Life Reader review it, send me an email, and once Sara and Tiffany name their character I will email you the chapter.

Finally, Life Reader did fantastic during it’s five free days! Yesterday it reached number 14 for free YA fantasy books, and 34 in the free urban fantasy section. To those who are here because they read Life Reader, welcome!

Thank you, Champions, for participating in the contests! Stay tuned for more information on my next book, and the next Life Reader book.

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