Let's talk favorite quotes! Now that it has been over a week since book #2 in the Magic on Main Street series was released, I'm curious to know what have been some of your favorite quotes from this series? As an author the interactions with the task force have been fun to write, and I admit I love Considine because he has some really great zingers that he generously shares with the world! But I'd like to know which you liked best (they don't have to be funny)?

If you like the quotes in this post check out my Pinterest board in the coming weeks for more new ones (and hundreds of pins featuring quotes from my other books). As a quick reminder, if you are part of the Discord community you can add your favorite quotes to a running list that Vin, our fearless Discord leader, collects after each new release. She uses that quote list as a reference point when creating new quote images so this is a great way to get your favorites made into images!
