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April 01, 2022 at 06:38 PM UTC

I am so glad you are taking care of yourself. I enjoy your work and can read. Many times when I need a fix.

Love the characters, Tom and Dale. They add a fun, supportive element to the story.


March 17, 2022 at 01:04 PM UTC

Tom and Dale are so funny! They’re one of my favourite characters.


March 15, 2022 at 02:37 PM UTC

Oh, my goodness . . . SO FUN!! Fell in love with Dale and Tom immediately and would welcome more of them somewhere, sometime! The videos were stupendous . . . made me smile big! 😀


March 10, 2022 at 07:24 AM UTC

My family is from rural Wisconsin, and I was definitely reading Tom and Dale in my uncle’s voices! If you’re looking for another exposure to midwestern culture, you should check out the Manitowoc Minute!


March 09, 2022 at 09:41 PM UTC

Tom and Dale’s banter reminded me of Click and Clack, the Tappet brothers. I’m sure the accent is different but their personalities seemed similar. Also, I now know all about ope so thanks for the videos!


March 05, 2022 at 11:25 AM UTC

I loved Tom and Dale, and I think they are super sweet.
The way you portrayed them was perfect!
I love most of the side characters because of how much they add to the story.


March 05, 2022 at 09:14 AM UTC

I also live in the Midwest and couldn’t hear any accent in the videos. Not sure if that’s because there isn’t one, or if I have the same accent. Something to ponder! Thanks for the follow-up posts, Kitty; it’s very much appreciated!


March 05, 2022 at 08:33 AM UTC

Hmmmm, I’m a Michigan transplant (over 10 years now) and their voices don’t sound like accents, just normal. And I realize I say “ope” quite a bit now, but pretty sure I didn’t as a kid, it just grew on me so naturally…


March 05, 2022 at 01:10 AM UTC

When I was reading Fated and these Tom and Dale were in the story, I pictured a couple of old farming uncles I have that are just down to earth, no nonsense, people who you can totally count on to bail you out of tight or uncomfortable situations whenever they crop up. They just aren’t afraid to get involved in personal difficulties if they can help and they are always ready to do so without being asked. Some of the very best people on the planet!


March 04, 2022 at 01:06 AM UTC

Tom and Dale were absolutely the best and I love that they’re based on real people!


March 03, 2022 at 10:48 PM UTC

When I was reading the book, I was picturing these guys in my mind! They are so funny and incredibly endearing. Tom and Dale were the best and such a great inclusion to this last book! I think we need a short story with them 🙂


March 04, 2022 at 11:08 AM UTC



March 09, 2022 at 09:59 PM UTC

I second that!

Magiford: Tom and Dale are real

It’s been a week since Fated launched, so now it’s finally time to unleash the Magiford themed/spoiler-filled posts! Warning: if you haven’t read the entire Pack of Dawn and Destiny trilogy yet, don’t read on!

Character profiles Dale and Tom

Now, let’s talk bout the two characters you meet in Fated who are near and dear to my heart: Dale and Tom.

Friends–despite supporting different football teams, which is nigh impossible–Tom and Dale are two Alphas who break the typical werewolf stereotypes given their chill personalities, hidden strength, and age. Besides taking down scruffy Alphas with ease and being able to spot Greyson and Pip as mates, you can see glimpses of their great strength in don’t-care-attitudes and their hobbies, namely, fishing.

While wild wolves are not opposed to splashing in rivers, werewolves aren’t super fond of big bodies of water like lakes, but Tom and Dale’s biggest hobby is fishing, something now other wolf besides Young Jack shares with them.

Tom and Dale also take great pride in their almost-junk vehicles, are ardent fish fry connoisseurs, and avid football fans. (In case you aren’t aware the Packers are an American Football team from Wisconsin and the Vikings are a team from Minnesota. There has historically been a fierce rivalry between these teams, but people aren’t always loyal to whichever State they live in. Hence the good natured ribbing between Dale and Tom regarding their team loyalty.)

These two characters are essentially my homage to rural and Northern Wisconsin (and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan). Having been born and raised in Wisconsin I wanted to introduce a couple of side characters who really show off the charm of the culture unique to this area–like fish fries, supper clubs, fishing, football, etc. Also…I wanted to share some of the funny stuff/sayings we use here! 😉

I have a feeling many of you think I highly exaggerated Tom and Dale, but in reality I kept them true to the source, and some of their lines are direct quotes from one of my uncles. 🙂

But don’t take my word for it! There is a Youtuber who specializes in exposing the humor of this exact way of life, so I wanted to share a few of his videos with you. He is exaggerating the accent a bit, but you might find it helpful to watch so you can understand how Tom and Dale sound when then talk.

This first video pulls double duty and gives you an idea of what it’s like to live in a small Midwestern town. Although in reality Timber Ridge is more cutesy looking then this and has more stop lights since the pack has worked hard with the city (and Mayor Pearl) to promote tourism

This particular video is great since it explores the expression “Ope!” which has made an appearance in other Magiford books as well.

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