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National Library Week

Tomorrow marks the beginning of National Library week! In celebration Enthroned will be FREE from Sunday–April 12–to Tuesday–April 14!

What is national library week? It’s a week set aside by the American Library Association that marks a celebration of libraries. It was first sponsored in 1958, and National Bookmobile Day, Support Teen Literature Day, and National Library Workers Day all occur during it. Most–if not all–local libraries will have special programs,  contests, and prizes this week–so be sure to swing by your local library and see what they’re up to!

National Library Week is kind of a big deal for me because I worked in a library as a page in college, and then as a circulation clerk for roughly three years before I became an author. While I worked as a librarian I may or may  not have acted like Ann “The Librarian” Withers…

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